Excellent |
Satisfactory |
Needs work |
General Microscopy |
Importance of resolution |
- Abbe Theory
- Determined by wavelength
- Electron propagate like waves
- Magnification is only meaningful with sufficient resolution
None of the above |
General crystal structure |
- Space group and point group
- Microscopic and macroscopic symmetry
- Zone axis
- Index of plane and direction
- Reciprocal lattice
None of the above |
Instruments |
Role of each component |
- Function of each lens and difference in operation modes
- Effect of accelerating voltage
- Aberration of real lens and limitation of resolution
- Different types of electron source
- Image rotations associated with focal length of lens
None of the above |
Sample preparation |
Scanning Electron Microscopy |
- Effect of conductive overcoat
None of the above |
Transmission Electron Microscopy |
- Choice of different techniques for different type of specimen
- Post-cleaning of specimen
- Application of Focused Ion Beam
- Choice of different supporting film
None of the above |
Electron-Atom Interactions |
- Scattering cross-section
- Interaction volumes
- Signals from electro-atom interactions
- Elastic and inelastic scattering
- Forward and back-scattering
- Single and multiple scattering
None of the above |
Scanning Electron Microscopy |
General SEM |
- Magnification and raster size
- Resolution limitation
- Operation modes for objective lens
- Signal generation
- Depth of focus
- Resolution vs, current
- Kinetic energy of electrons
None of the above |
SE and BSE imaging |
- Yield of SE and BSE
- Low-vacuum and environmental SEM
- Effect of instrumental parameters on the image
- Signal processing
- Classification of SE
- Contrast in SE and BSE imaging
- Operation of detectors
None of the above |
Advanced operation |
- Electron backscatter diffraction
- Auger electron spectrometry
- Channeling pattern
- CL
None of the above |
Electron Probe Microanalysis |
General EPMA |
- Inner-shell ionization
- X-ray fluorescence yield
- Interaction volume (lateral and depth distribution)
- Effect of beam energy
- Quantitative analysis (ZAF correction)
- Characteristic x-ray and bremsstrahlung
- Selection rule of x-ray generation
- Qualitative analysis
- Accuracy of standard-less quantification
- X-ray imaging
None of the above |
X-ray wavelength dispersive spectroscopy |
- Selecting crystals for XWDS
- Fully focused x-ray spectrometer
- Maximizing signal intensity
None of the above |
X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy |
- Principle of Si(Li) and SDD
- Processing time and dead time ratio
- Principle of pulse processing
- Role of collimater
- Detection solid angle
- Energy resolution of XEDS
- Artifacts in XEDS
None of the above |
Diffraction |
General diffraction |
- Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction
- Electron vs. x-ray diffraction
- Structure factor
- Properties of scattering vector
- Electron waves and diffraction
- Atom form factor
- Bragg condition
- Laue equation
- Vector form of diffraction conditions
- Ewald construction
None of the above |
Diffraction in TEM |
- Ewald construction for TEM
- Interpretation of TEM diffraction
- Lattice factor
- Excitation error
- Laun zones
None of the above |
Diffraction Patterns |
Parallel beam electron diffraction |
- Determine the zone axis
- Effect of inelastic scattering
- Kikuchi lines and excitation error
- Dynamical and kinematical diffraction
- Camera length
- Indexing of diffraction pattern
- Ring pattern
- Kikuchi lines and maps
- Extinction distance
- Double diffraction
None of the above |
Convergent beam electron diffraction |
- Excess and deficiency lines
- High order Laue zone lines
- Determination of space groups
- Information provided by CBED
- Microscope variables
- Determination of point groups
None of the above |
Imaging |
General |
- Rotation between image and diffraction pattern
- Mass-thickness contrast
- Diffraction contrast
- Phase contrast
- Image recording on emulsion/CCD/CMOS
- Contrast generation in TEM
- BF/DF imaging
- Two-beam condition
- Artifacts in image
None of the above |
Imaging defects |
- Imaging stacking faults
- Imaging dislocations
- Weal-beam dark-field imaging
- Fresnel contrast
- Visibility of lattice defects
- Imaging coherent particles
- Interference pattern (lattice fringe)
- Moiré pattern
None of the above |
High-resolution electron microscopy |
- Wave function at backfocal plane
- Wave function at imaging plane
- Weak phase object
- Point resolution and information limit
- Partial coherence
- Definition of HREM
- Contrast generation
- Spatial frequency
- Transfer function
- Contrast transfer function
- Scherzer defocus
- Damping of CTF
None of the above |
Simulation |
- Applications of diffractogram
- Fourier filtering
- Electron holography
- Exit-wave reconstruction
- Multislice method
- Bloch wave method
- Diffractogram
- Linear and non-linear image formation
None of the above |
Analytical TEM |
Inelastic scattering |
- Different types of inelastic scattering
- Shell excitation
- Plasmon, phonon
- Continuous energy loss
None of the above |
- Ge detector
- Position for XEDS detector
None of the above |
Electron energy loss spectrometry |
- Parameters characterizing EELS
- EELS in image and diffraction mode
- Inner-shell ionization: ELNES and EXELFS
- Quantitative EELS: partial ionization cross-section
- Background substraction
- Hardware requirement
- Zero-loss peak
- Low-loss region
- High-loss region
- Shape of adsorption edge
- Qualitative EELS
None of the above |
Energy filtered TEM |
- Energy-filtered diffraction
- Two- and three-window technique
- Electron tomography
- Zero-loss filtering
- Electron-spectroscopic imaging
- Detection limit and spatial resolution of ESI
None of the above |
Scanning TEM |
- STEM imaging techniques
- Reciprocity theorem
- HAADF imaging
- STEM vs. TEM vs. SEM
- STEM detectors
- Effect of scattering angle (camera length)
None of the above |